Hi there, me and my dive buddy Ray(Raaheal) were so excited to enter your competition and we hope you consider us. I have always been passionate about the ocean and its the one place I feel I can truly be myself. I grew up next to it and I’ve always wants to be mended to it my entire life. I would live to CO-EXIST with it in a impactful way and not just be an observer but a physical being that interacts and helps it with all that I am. I am currently in the tourist sector and that alone has a heavy impact on our oceans but I want to be the person that drives it to be solely positively impact full. Coral restoration has always been my goal but I still have a lot to learn and a long ways to grow before I can help and that’s why I think your experience will catapult me straight into where I would love to be. I am currently completing my dive masters and my dive buddy Ray is on her way to getting it and me and her have set a goal to get us where we need to be and we want to co-exist together to leave a positive piece of ourselves in this world. I hope you consider us because we would truly embrace this opportunity with passion and grace and won’t waste a second of it. Thank you for your time and let’s do this!!! We are not great at editing but please enjoy footage from out dives together at the end of my video.