I got really nervous and emotional when making this video because it would change my life and push me towards living my life giving back to the world and becoming a conservationist. Although the oceans voice is beautiful, it needs advocates like why co-exist and myself to make a global impact that could potentially save not just inhabitants of the oceans but the world itself. The ocean is a source of natural power that has a impact on people whether they see(sea) that or not. It provides jobs,education,curiosity,fascination and is the reason in my eyes why the earth hasn’t collapsed into itself yet. Thats why we need to co-exist but inorder to do that we need to give more than we currently take from the ocean.Most people think because their life only spans for 80 or less that they don’t need to make any changes to our world but I’d like to be part of the population that dreams of a better future for species that last for 100’s of years and not selfishly think of myself. I want to CO-EXIST with the ocean for the rest of my life and make my life’s goal protecting it while I can.