Hello! I am adding my participation from Greece! I introduce myself in the video, after making many efforts to create technically the best you could have ..but finally i decided to speak from the heart, originally, like nature speaks to us .I am sitting next to my water path, the coast, which leads me towards freedom, peace and rebonding with myself and the wider net of life, taking me to the depth of the sea for many years. When I enter, is like the very first time I feel complete, as a part of me that waits its way to the whole. In an era of dehumanization, I feel human again, going back to my wild authentic form when I was one with Nature in the uterus before I take my first breath on earth. Returning to this point I can communicate with the creatures of the sea, from this position, through feelings and spirit, with respect love and gratitude..because only through this path we can survive all of us in this planet and take action.