Jude Binmahfooz

In under two minutes, I shared a personal story that shaped my lifelong dedication to marine conservation. But there’s so much more to say.Coexisting with our oceans isn’t just about protecting marine animals—it’s about protecting ourselves. The ocean produces over 50% of the oxygen we breathe, regulates our climate, and sustains over 3 billion people who rely on it for food. Yet, we are destroying it. Plastic pollution is suffocating marine life, overfishing is collapsing ecosystems, and coral reefs are disappearing at an alarming rate.

My video is more than just a message—it’s a call to action—a reminder that the ocean doesn’t need us, but we need the ocean. The future of marine life, and our own, depends on the choices we make today.

I’m not just another marine biology student—I have lived this passion since I was six years old. I’m an advanced scuba diver who has experienced the beauty of the ocean firsthand. I don’t just study marine life—I immerse myself in it. My dream is to open a rescue, rehabilitate, and release hospital for marine animals, and winning this competition would give me firsthand experience with marine scientists in the field.

If chosen, I will use this opportunity to share everything I learn—through social media, advocacy, and outreach. I don’t want this experience to impact just me; I want it to inspire thousands of others to take action. Many videos will talk about the problem; mine tells a story that makes people feel it. If we want people to care about the ocean, we need to make them connect with it emotionally. That’s what my video does. This is more than a competition for me—it’s a chance to amplify a lifelong mission. I hope my passion, experience, and vision stand out and inspire action

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