Jade Golledge

My name is Jade and I have been an Animal Rights activist since I was seven years old. I grew up with my Nanny who taught me my voice was valuable in the fight to stop Climate Change. She always taught me to coexist and respect every living thing on our planet. Little did I know that all those times I spent sat listening to my nanny talk would lead me on a 20 year Ocean Conservation Odyssey.I’ve spend the last 20 years curating my own research, predominantly on Orca Conservation. I have learnt a lot from talking to Ric O’Barry and watching The Dolphin Project, who I hope to work with in the future. I spend most of my time advocating and educating anyone who will listen on Ocean Conservation and have been a passionate voice in the fight against cetacean captivity. I also spend a lot of time raising awareness around protecting our Coral Reefs, again the Coral Gardeners being another charity I would love to work with.

Being from a small seaside city, I have sadly not had the opportunity to experience a near-pristine environment: I live in a city where I frequently clean our beach and generally see firsthand all of the damage we are causing our planet. It is nothing short of heart-breaking and due to my conservation ground rules of not disturbing captive or wild-living animals, it is unlikely I will see these creatures and places before they are damaged. I haven’t seen any ocean animals before and through research is my only way to see them ethically. I would love to document this experience and share it on social media to show people how real these issues are. I believe the time is now, we must create change, and I’m the woman to do it. With this much passion and heart, I can’t fail. The ocean needs us, and I’m here to answer the call and have passionately been doing so for 20 years.

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