My video looks back at my trip to Kenya working with a turtle rehabilitation centre which was life-changing. I got to share my experience on Instagram and educate others, whilst also realising my expectations could impact similar projects. I’m drawn to the ocean and a huge part of that means saving our oceans. It calms me and grounds me, and regardless of life worries or job woes, I always come back to the ocean. We have a responsibility to learn about our negative impact on them and protect them. Learning about marine biology and how I can have a impact requires experiences like this. It is a dream of mine to scuba dive, to swim with whale sharks. I’m 32 and already trained in theatre – but the world is a stage and we must protect it.
It was so life-changing I got a green sea turtle tattoo with ocean waves on the carapace! I hope it always reminds me to “roll with the waves”.