Giorgia Romano

Hello, my name is Giorgia Romano, I live in Italy, and I decided to participate in this contest because the topics addressed are very important to me, I believe this is just the beginning of a journey that will help me to develop a global perspective, a vision that allows me to better understand how to face the challenges our world is experiencing. Every wave that crashes on the shore, every creature that inhabits the ocean dephts, remind us that life is a miracle to be respected and protected. I’ve been swimming since I was little, I also practiced swimming at a competitive level, but then I stopped because I don’t really enjoy competition, anyway the sea has always been a part of me, I believe each of us has a duty to preserve what is most precious to us, and the sea is one of the most fragile trasures we possess. In the video, I’ve included the most significant moments through videos and photos, I hope you enjoy it. In any case, thank you so much for this opportunity and for listening to my story!!

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