I want to emphasize the importance of the ocean in how it has fueled my creativity – a very important aspect of my life. The ocean has been a constant source of inspiration for me. As a child, I spent countless hours exploring the shoreline near our family summerhouse, collecting shells, watching the waves, snorkling and looking at the crabs crawling around on the sea floor and wondering what else lay beneath the surface out there. These early experiences sparked my curiosity and love for the ocean, which later found its way into my art as I started illustrating marine life.
When I learned to dive, my perspective on the ocean changed completely. No longer was it just something I admired from the shore and above – it became a world I could step into. Seeing marine life up close, observing how everything coexists, and witnessing the beauty of even the smallest creatures deepened my appreciation and creative inspiration.
Now, as an adult and aspiring marine biologist, the ocean continues to shape the way I see the world. It influences my work, my passions, and the way I express myself. And I know I’m not alone – artists, scientists, and storytellers worldwide draw inspiration from the ocean, often using their creativity and hard work to support conservation efforts – something I aspire to do as well.