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Save Our Sharks

There seems to be an ever-growing demand for shark products, including their fins, meat and oil. So much so that as many as 100 million sharks may be killed every year. But we can, and will, make a difference. It's our responsibility to take stewardship of our natural world and ensure all its resources can be sustained to benefit future generations.

Save Our Sharks has been established to help combat these misconceptions and promote shark conservation.

(Action along the lines of) - by purchasing one of eco-friendly t-shirts, you'll help support us with marine conservation projects around the world. Read More

The overproduction and overconsumption of single-use plastic have created a global crisis.

Plastic accounts for up to 90% of all marine debris.

Our mission at Save Our Seas is to develop an awareness through the sale of ethically sourced and environmentally friendly products. We need your help to spread the word and to ensure our oceans are conserved for future generations.

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