WhyCoexist 2025 Winner

Congratulations Daisy.

At the start of the year, our competition launched and we asked for your take on why we need to coexist with our oceans.

We have been humbled by the amount of entries we received from around the world from passionate storytellers, students and marine conservationists.

Every video shared a personal perspective and picking a winner was our most difficult decision yet.

Sadly, there can only be one winner and this year, Daisy Naisbitt from the UK was chosen for this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Your video was a beautifully crafted piece of storytelling. Poetic and poignant, it took us on a heartfelt journey about your connection to the ocean. You highlighted the challenges our oceans face with a personal and authentic message that truly resonated with the team.

Your take on why we need to coexist with our oceans was as engaging as it was moving.

The winning video.

Our Runner's Up

Our 2 runner’s up narrowly missed out with both of their videos creatively and passionately sharing their take on why we need to coexist with our oceans.

It’s genuinely inspiring to see the next generation of ocean ambassadors pursing a career in this field to protect and preserve our blue planet.

This decision was incredibly difficult and we congratulate both Antonino and Saska on their hard work and coming so close.


Our 2025 Finalists
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