Our oceans are the heart of our planet, providing us with oxygen, food, and life itself. Yet, we continue to exploit them, pollute them, and take them for granted. My video is a wake-up call—a journey from the ocean we dream of to the harsh reality we have created.I want people to feel the contrast, to see what we are losing, and to understand that we still have a choice. The place we dream of—pristine waters, thriving marine life, endless beauty—can quickly turn into a place of destruction and loss because of our actions. We must CO-EXIST with our oceans, not destroy them.
That’s why I asked my friends to share what the ocean means to them. Their voices in the intro are a reminder that you are never alone in this fight. The ocean connects all of us, and protecting it means protecting something that people we love deeply care about.
When I first came up with this idea, I planned to use images of polluted beaches from the internet. Little did I know that I would stumble upon them myself, just wanting to take a morning swim. The reality was worse than I expected.
This moment reminded me of a photo competition I once entered. I took a picture of a banana peel and a plastic bag floating in the water. They were “perfectly floating”—like fish. I titled the photo Fishes of Tomorrow. At the time, it felt symbolic. Now, it feels terrifyingly real.
Every action we take—reducing plastic, making sustainable choices, spreading awareness—can help turn the tide.
The ocean doesn’t need us. We need the ocean. It’s time we start acting like it.