This is my 45th year on planet Earth, and I feel like I’m seeing it with fresh eyes. I’m a rescue diver with a powerboat license, but my love for water started much earlier—learning to steer my dad’s canal boat and spending summers on the beach in Anglesey in the UK, jumping into rock pools and building sandcastles. Water has always been a constant in my life.Some might call this a midlife crisis, but I see it as an awakening—a realisation that every single action, no matter how small, leaves a ripple. I want to take everything I’ve learned—my studies in biochemistry, my background in teaching and community management, and my passion for design—and create powerful online learning experiences. My mission is to help people discover the oceans, understand their vital importance, and learn why we must coexist with them.
Without the oceans, there’s no life—no food, no oxygen, and no future. Yet, we’re facing a ticking time bomb: microplastics. Every second we wait, the problem grows. I’m determined to inspire change and make a difference for our blue planet.